Bow Roller Guide s/s - 2 Sizes
H/D (M14655B) - 445mm x 130mm at widest point Over all size. Mounting area 325 x 85mm. Constructed of 3mm thick s/s.
A single bow roller unit with acetate based nylon roller (allowing the rope and chain to gravitate towards the centre of the roller rather than grip as a rubber roller would.
Extra H/D (M14655D) - 455mm x 130mm at widest point Over all size. Mounting area 325mm x 85mm. 65mm x 48mm mounting holes. Constructed of 5mm thick Stainless steel
All stainless #316 similar to the (M14655B) on outer dimensions, however, this unit is better suited towards larger craft, or where a more heavy casting is required - with side load, or larger anchors.