Anchor Swivel - self aligning (2 sizes)

$89.87 $89.87

6-8mm (M14988)

Keep your anchor aligned even in the foulest weather. Stainless Steel grade # 316

This unit has a knuckle to make sure the weight is always directly on the anchor, and not skewed on the swivel. It basically self aligns making it near impossible to tear out the side of the swivel, whereas the conventional in-line swivel allows the chain load to come on the side or cheek of the swivel.

Do NOT use single direction swivels (as pictured in bent unit) - they can get broken in foul-weather (see other images)

These multi-directional swivels are designed to withstand harsh conditions. The pins are countersunk and use a socket drive so no bolt heads protrude allowing fine entry into your bow fairlead.

(M14988) accepts 6-8mm chain

(M14989) accepts 10mm chain