Adhesive Sealant Underwater
Construction adhesive is a high performance adhesive with an excellent UV resistance & is happy underwater.
Formally known as Simson Construction Adhesive of France.This construction adhesive is a one component permanent elastic fast curing construction adhesive & developed for bonding applications that require adhesion & elasticity.
Ideal for bonding push borders, bonding and sealing deck fittings, bonding & sealing deck/thru hull connections, bonding deck hatches, port holes & bedding compound where a high initial strength is required.
Black, Grey or white it will adhere without primer on a clean, grease free surface of aluminium, s/s, galvanised steel, most lacquered surfaces, glass, PVC, polyester, painted timber.
We found it was the only adhesive with which to glue even plastic kayak seats to the polyethylene kayaks - nothing else we tried worked.
After use seal the cartridge with sellotape or similar for an extended shelf life.