Bronze Nails Anchorfast - Per 100

$15.55 $15.55

5/8" x 16 (16mm) (25001)

Bronze Anchorfast Nails All Sizes

The annular threads of these Bronze Anchorfast nails lock with wood fibres and prevent pop or loosening under the strain and vibration caused by vibration and movement.

These Nails  hold in countless installations where screws have loosened. In most applications pre-drilling is not required, they drive in easily & quickly to save time when repairing or building your boat.

Popular for building and repairing plywood craft also used on timbers like cedar as they will not corrode like galvansied nails.

Available in a range of lengths and  diameter  that will suit most construction or repair jobs.

These silicon bronze non-corrosive boat nails cost less than screws & give a lasting job. Sometimes referred to as “anchorfast nails”. A 20% DISCOUNT APPLIES WHEN PURCHASING IN BAGS OF 500.

1 unit = 100x nails, thus if you order 1x you will get 100x nails.