Copper Nails Square Shank Rose Head - Per 100 - 16 sizes

$16.97 $16.97

3/4" x 16 (18mm) (24904Z)

These solid Copper Nails have an attractive rose head and a square shank for added strength. Customer use these  for building or repair of  traditional wooden boats and in the construction industry. With timbers such as Cedar as they will not corrode like Galvanised steel.

The holding power is created by the knocking in by hammer, expanding the copper as it is driven in.

We also supply the copper roves which turn these Copper Nails into a rivet when punched on the end which holds plank and frame together.

Available in a variety of thicknesses and lengths, price per 100.

1 unit = 100x nails, thus if you order 1x you will get 100x nails.